Modifications - The Chin Law Group, Family Law, Danvers, MA
At the Peabody, Massachusetts, Law Office of Merril S. Chin, we have handled hundreds of family law modifications. Do you need assistance modifying At the Peabody, Massachusetts, Law Office of Merril S. Chin, we have handled hundreds of family law modifications. Do you need assistance modifying child support, alimony/spousal support, child custody, parenting time?
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Contact Merril S. Chin, Modifications Divorce, Family Law, Peabody, MA


Like so many areas in life, family law goals can change. Individuals lose jobs, get new jobs, and relocate. Children get older and their needs change.

At the Chin Law Group, Danvers, Massachusetts, we have handled hundreds of family law modifications. Do you need assistance modifying a judgment regarding:

child support
alimony/spousal support
child custody
• parenting time

We have handled the modification of divorce and paternity judgments/decrees for thousands of clients facing changing circumstances, such as:

• the need to pay college tuition
• changes in employment or income
• relocation
• parental incarceration or substance abuse
• child abuse
• changes in health care coverage
• remarriage/cohabitation

Massachusetts Change Of Custody Lawyers And Divorce Modification Attorneys

As you consider whether to modify an existing judgment, it is helpful to understand some of the conditions required.

To modify an existing judgment, you need to show a material change in circumstances has occurred since the judgment was entered. A material change can involve numerous factors, including income, the needs of a child, and the new circumstances of a parent (i.e. their remarriage, their residence, or their job responsibilities.)

Some issues in family law judgments are modifiable and some are not. This is often governed by the parties’ divorce agreement. Issues relating to children, such as child custody, parenting plans, child support, life insurance, and health insurance are always modifiable.

Modifications can bring about both opportunity and risk. For more information on how to protect your rights following a divorce or upon modifying a paternity judgment, contact our office.